
Thought Leadership Big Data

Big Data and Big Brother

AI poses uncharted problems in the areas of compliance, liability, intellectual property, product development, and antitrust. Increasingly General Counsel are called upon to guide boards, C-suites, co-workers, and the public through new ethical and legal complications about targeting customer sets, diligence on supply chain partners, personnel decisions, and risks. AI, and the politics around it, adds new layers of complexity to the very challenging role of the General Counsel.

The 2019 Lex Mundi Summit in Amsterdam brought together thought leaders and recent government officials from the US and EU to consider the challenges that arise from the intersection of AI with economic interventionism.

Specifically, they tackled the emerging landscape by analyzing:

  • The power shifts resulting from competing national AI strategies
  • The attitudes of US and EU authorities regarding the use of sanctions and trade policies
  • The convergence of AI and regulatory activism, i.e. when Big Brother gets Big Data
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