LEGA is a leading law firm in the Venezuelan market and internationally renowned. At LEGA, we have a modern approach to the practice of law, supported by the use of technology and based on the values of excellence, tenacity, integrity, empathy, innovation and versatility.
The firm brings together more than 500 years of experience in the practice of law and, in 2018, its partners decided to give it greater dynamism, a new image and its current name, LEGA, coming from Esperanto. LEGA has 38 service areas, divided into 15 practice areas, covering all branches of law, and 23 industry areas, created on the basis of the extensive experience of our team in those business sectors.
LEGA is the largest law firm in Venezuela and its lawyers have accumulated more than 40 awards, granted by the world’s most important legal publications, which have also certified the high quality of all our practice groups.
With a strong international focus, LEGA is the preferred law firm of a high number of multinational clients in Venezuela. The firm is the exclusive member for Venezuela of Lex Mundi, the world’s most important network of independent law firms. In Venezuela, LEGA has been a key participant in academic associations and its lawyers have been involved in leadership roles in many of them.
LEGA's mission is to provide clients with high-level legal advice, aimed at obtaining results in a cost-efficient manner and based on the use of technology.