As leaders in bringing the best together, Lex Mundi has once again been recognized with the highest honors – being named a Leading Law Firm Network: The Elite, in the 2022 Chambers and Partners Global Guide.
Lex Mundi is also recognized for obtaining the highest weighted ranking of any network as showcased in the Law Firm Network Visualizations for Chambers Global 2022. This analysis of the member firms weighted scores and overall rankings is based on the high ability of Lex Mundi member firms to deliver legal solutions across locations and practice areas for clients.
In the Guide, a total of 103 Lex Mundi member firms are mentioned among the top lawyers and law firms in more than 200 jurisdictions across the world. Firms are ranked based on their ability to handle complex international mandates in the dedicated international and cross-border capabilities table.
The Chamber rankings reflect the leadership and commitment of member firms, while highlighting Lex Mundi’s efforts to ensure consistent quality and preeminent solutions beyond local industries and markets.
For a more detailed report of the 2022 Global Chambers Guide, view here: