Lex Mundi secured its place among the top performers at the prestigious US Customer Experience Awards 2023, ranking in the top three for Best Digital Transformation and Best Use of Technology. The recognition is a testament to our commitment to innovation and excellence in delivering exceptional customer experiences in the legal industry.
The US Customer Experience Awards celebrate companies that demonstrate outstanding dedication to enhancing customer experience and achieving exceptional business outcomes through innovative practices and technologies. Lex Mundi's achievements in the areas of digital transformation and technology integration have distinguished it from its competitors, propelling the organization to a well-deserved place in the top three finalists along with reputable organizations including Dow, Prudential Financial, American Medical Association and Coca-Cola in partnership with Dave & Buster’s.
The Best Digital Transformation award acknowledges Lex Mundi's journey of improving our digital footprint better serve our clients. From implementing operational technologies to redesigning our website, this transformation has enabled us to better communicate with our target audience and reinforce the legal excellence of our member firms.
Meanwhile, Lex Mundi Equisphere took the stage in Best Use of Technology category – describing how Lex Mundi utilized an existing technology to redefine how clients interact with the network on multijurisdictional matters. This game-changing platform gives clients more control over their matters and simplifies complicated cross-border transactions, providing one-spot to coordinate engagement letters, scoping, billing and more.
Lex Mundi's success at the US Customer Experience Awards underscores its commitment to continuously raising the bar in the legal industry, setting new standards for customer service, and leveraging technology to drive meaningful and transformative experiences. By excelling in digital transformation and technology integration, Lex Mundi is reinforcing its reputation as a trusted partner for clients seeking top-notch legal expertise backed by cutting-edge technological solutions.