I. Enterprise Form (select all )
What jurisdiction(s) do you practice in?
What are the most commonly used types of for-profit corporate organizational forms in your jurisdiction (e.g., corporation, limited liability company, benefit corporation, social purpose corporation, etc.) used by Enterprises operating a trade or business (rather than for investment or holding company purposes)? Please briefly describe these forms. a. Of these, which are the most common for-profit organizational forms used by Enterprises seeking financing from investors and that will have multiple owners? b. Other than organizational forms specifically designed for Social Enterprises (and discussed below under Question 4), which, if any, are the most common for-profit organizational forms used by Social Enterprises?
Do any of your jurisdiction’s traditional organizational forms require or permit the board or managers to consider, balance or prioritize interests other than shareholder value in decision making? What other interests, if any, are they required to or allowed to consider (e.g., interests of employees, customers, the environment, etc.)?
Does your jurisdiction have organizational forms specifically designed for Social Enterprises? If so: a. What type(s) of organizational forms are they? b. How do they materially differ from the most closely analogous traditional organizational form? c. What are the main benefits for founders and funders of such organizational forms? d. Are there any restrictions on the use of these organizational forms (such as profit-caps, stakeholder involvement and impact reporting)? If there are, what are they? e. Are there any material differences in timing or costs for forming a Social Enterprise versus a traditional Enterprise? f. How prevalent and well known are Social Enterprise forms?
Are Social Enterprises permitted to be formed and operated as Nonprofits? If so: a. Are Nonprofits that are Social Enterprises treated differently under the law as compared to Nonprofits that are not Social Enterprises, whether from a corporate, tax or other perspective? b. Are there any material benefits of, and/or restrictions on, using a Nonprofit form for Social Enterprises that does not apply to Nonprofits that are not Social Enterprises? c. Is there any type of “hybrid” Nonprofit form that requires less reporting and/or allows for faster formation? If so, please describe the drawbacks of utilizing this form (i.e. fewer tax benefits). d. How prevalent is the use of Nonprofits for Social Enterprises?
Does your jurisdiction allow for worker-owned Enterprises, such as cooperatives? If so, please describe any material benefits of, and/or restrictions on, using such forms.
Are there unique reporting requirements for Social Enterprises? If there are, please describe them. Please also discuss what government bodies Social Enterprises are required to report to.
In your jurisdiction, has case law and jurisprudence evolved to address Social Enterprises? If there is meaningful jurisprudence around Social Enterprises, please provide some brief examples.
Does your jurisdiction have any ESG requirements for Enterprises generally? If it does, please describe.
Does your jurisdiction have any ESG requirements specifically for Social Enterprises? If it does, please describe.
Does your jurisdiction have any ESG requirements for investors? If it does, please describe.
II. Funding (select all )
Are any major investor classes (e.g., pension funds, mutual funds, etc.) required to look at ESG issues when making investment decisions in your jurisdiction? a. If they are, please describe the requirements. b. If they are not, are they permitted to consider such factors? c. What other relevant factors do investors tend to consider (aside from profit motive).
What kinds of philanthropic funding do Social Enterprises in your jurisdiction commonly receive (e.g., grants, charitable investment, traditional investment)?
How prevalent, if at all, are new for-profit impact investments in your jurisdiction (e.g. traditional instruments with impact terms, new investment instruments, aggregation with philanthropic capital, community based funding, etc.)?
What are the types of government funding and support available to Social Enterprises, if any, available in your jurisdiction (e.g., grants, investments, bonds, and guarantees)? a. How difficult is it for Social Enterprises to obtain government funding? b. Is any government funding limited to Enterprises incorporated using Social Enterprise forms?
Are there any companies that are formed as a Social Enterprise listed on your jurisdiction’s leading securities exchange(s)?
To what extent are publicly traded Enterprises required to disclose ESG related factors in annual reports/public filings in your jurisdiction.
How prevalent, if at all, are impact bonds in your jurisdiction?
In your jurisdiction, are there any restrictions on foreign investments or donations that are unique to Social Enterprises (whether incorporated as for profit entities or as Nonprofits)?
Is “crowdfunding” legal in your jurisdiction? Are there rules under applicable securities laws that make it easier for smaller businesses or Social Enterprises to take money from investors that are not sophisticated/accredited/qualified under applicable statutes?
III. Tax (select all )
Are there any tax exemptions that are uniquely available for Social Enterprises? a. Please describe any tax exemptions that are available and whether they are partial or full. b. Are they dependent on the Social Enterprise utilized using a specific organizational form (e.g., for profit vs. Nonprofit form)? c. Please describe any other key requirements of the available tax exemptions (e.g., restrictions on sources or uses of funds, restrictions on commercial activities, etc.).
Are individuals or other organizations able to provide tax deductible donations to for-profit Social Enterprises? If they are, please describe any restrictions applicable to tax deductible donations?
Are there any other tax benefits uniquely available for Social Enterprises? (e.g. deferrals, favorable tax rates, business deductions, etc.)
Does your jurisdiction provide for reciprocal recognition of tax-exempt status that has been granted under the law of any other jurisdictions?
IV. Governmental Infrastructure (select all )
Does your jurisdiction have Regulatory Sandboxes or similar policy frameworks for Social Enterprises? If it does, please describe.
What government operational support, resources, training or services, are available for small businesses or Social Enterprises?
Are there different compliance requirements for different types of Social Enterprises than for traditional Enterprises? Please provide examples if there are.
Is there a dedicated government agency or department that oversees Social Enterprises? If there is, please describe its mandate and effectiveness.
Is there a different bankruptcy system available for Social Enterprises?
VI. Miscellaneous (select all )
What are the average time and filing fees to form an Enterprise in your jurisdiction?
What government or third-party certifications or accreditations, if any, are available for Social Enterprises that allow for access to benefits e.g. funding, beneficial tax status, etc.? Please provide examples and briefly describe them as well as the standards there are to maintain them.
Please describe whether, in your opinion, startups and other entrepreneurial Enterprises generally can easily form and flourish in your jurisdiction.
Please describe whether, in your opinion, Social Enterprises, in particular, can easily form and flourish in your jurisdiction.
Please describe whether in your opinion there are any laws that are obstructive to the formation of Social Enterprises (i.e. that actively disfavor or penalize, or otherwise discourage their formation) in your jurisdiction (for example, are Social Enterprises subject to legislation prohibiting inclusion of Social Enterprises in government contract procurement)?
In your jurisdiction, are there any major fraud concerns or defects due to corruption or fraud that should be addressed? If there are, please briefly discuss the concerns or defects.
What changes to the law do you think would be most beneficial to enabling Social Enterprises to flourish in your jurisdiction?
What changes to the law do you think would be most beneficial to enhancing the social and environmental responsibility of Enterprises generally (whether or not Social Enterprises)?
Is there anything else you would like to add or guidance you would like to provide? Are there any questions we should have asked but did not?